Our Projects


This is my first game made, however not entirely made by me, since I took samples from other games, then remodeled it to become a new game and different from the sample game. Initially there was an assignment from campus that required me to create a multimedia application or game, Crossed in my mind to make a game since I also like gaming, However I was confused about how to make the game, and finally I searched on google for easy way how to make a game, and finally I found “Game Maker”. Then I looked for tutorials and so on to make this game, it took me 1 month to make this game, I’m a beginner who doesn’t understand anything, 3 times overhauled from the initial concept and finally this very simple game. Please find below download link if you want to try it.

Monster Rush

This game is practically the same shape as Mario Bros, as usual this is not completely made by me, I just remake the existing one so that it becomes a new game that is different from the original game. This game isn’t finished yet, I’m already dizzy to continue it, so it’s only up to 4 stages, please try it


There’s no work to do, so tried to “oprek” with game samples scattered around, and this is a game, the game is simple, just move it left and right to eat the scattered “FastFood" watch out as there will be monsters who will disturb you, so be careful.